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Strip it... Strip it good
Published on April 29, 2009 By vStyler In Community

After seeing the popularity of transparent themes in the past few months I thought it was time for me to put my own version of the concept together. Hopefully I can do it justice, and provide a high quality Master skin with my own take on it.

The basic concept is a stripped down, very transparent, very fast WB that is perfect for screenshotting and showcasing wallpapers

There will be zero bevels or gradients, all the buttons will be flat and designed to be more like a touch screen interface.

It will have a white text and black text start menu substyle for use with light or dark wallpapers.

Heres a small screeny of what I have after a couple of days, I'll try to expose more as I strip it down.


I hope everyone can get Naked soon


Comments (Page 12)
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on May 15, 2009

I'm not getting the full clear window and I have a white line across the top. Yes everything is up to date.

I'll try it on my laptop and see if it does it.

on May 15, 2009

ALMonty, you have to nix that navigation page. Go to "Organize" then "Layout" and uncheck the navigation pane. Don't know 'bout that white line, tho.

on May 15, 2009

Freakin' nice skin, John! I just got Naked and I'm lovin' it!

on May 15, 2009

It made the white line disappear. In the screenshot John is showing the Navigation Pane and it's transparent.

on May 15, 2009

You done yet? My Viagra ran out. I'm Naked and not looking too pretty.

Hehe, even with Viagra I'm not too pretty.... I think the spare tyre hanging over the top is ruining the effect.

However, I will have to get 'Naked' once I have a bit of spare cash on my debit card.

I must admit that at first I wasn't too keen on the idea of a totally flat WB without bevels, gradients, etc, but I am pleasantly surprised by the ongoing development and the finished product.  Yup, it has turned out nicely and is a credit to your amazing ability, John, I like 'Naked' a lot.

on May 16, 2009

I LOVE IT!!!!!

on May 16, 2009

Can anybody geive me a link, I can't find it anywhere on WC

on May 16, 2009

Can anybody geive me a link, I can't find it anywhere on WC


on May 16, 2009

In the screenshot John is showing the Navigation Pane and it's transparent.


Not in any of my screens it isn't. Nav panel doesnt support tranparency.


Thanks everyone

on May 16, 2009

Now we just need someone to make a nudie icon package!

on May 16, 2009


I think it's time to get "Naked", folks! 

Wall: 2_35_by_snuff75x (dA)


Even my mouse got "Naked"!!!


on May 16, 2009

and then... it got dark... 




on May 16, 2009

Purchased it before this, so is the dark one an extra purchase ?

on May 16, 2009

The dark one will be a seperate skin, 'Naked - Noir'

I have to redo many if the elements from original PSD's re-cut and reimport, also after renaming the skin the vista version is gone, so in addition, the vista version is a from scratch project also. It will however be a bit cheaper as some elements I do not have to mod or change.

I can promise ya, I'm not getting rich, In fact the more I skin, the poorer I seem to get.

on May 16, 2009

No worries, able and willing to pay a bit for quality. And I know, there is hard work involved in a WB skin nowadays.

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