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Ripper Alert
Published on September 24, 2010 By vStyler In WinCustomize Talk

Would my kind friends here, as many as possible.. if possible, please go to this link, and tell this guy what u think of his ripping my hard work, claiming it as his own.. and if that wasnt bad enough, trying to sell it.


Hope i can count on you all.


oh and Jafo... you especially.




Thanks everyone. 


Also, if u want, hit the report submission button too.

Comments (Page 9)
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on Sep 25, 2010

John, check your notes at dA, I sent you a copy of the GMs reply

Detect language » Spanish
on Sep 25, 2010

This is purely classic!!!



Creative Commons License
Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
That's on the right hand side of the submission page linked in post 106. I love the No Derivative works part.. Just classic! What an a$$hat!
on Sep 25, 2010

I hate rippers. Thieving little toe rag

on Sep 25, 2010

Everyone remembers that Australia use to be a "penal" colony? Well, this guy sure is a dick. 

on Sep 25, 2010

Well, the problem is even if they remove this guy and his account entirely from DA, all he will do is rejoin under a different user name and submit all his RIP's again. DA has no control over their site, period. 

on Sep 25, 2010

Reported this little toejam again for what it's worth. This guys worse than crabs...and we all know how bad...uh...ok....I think I'm sharing to much here.

on Sep 25, 2010

We? All?..... Just lost your phone number, errr....bud....forget that visit....sorry...can't have non-kosher stuff in the house.   

on Sep 25, 2010

it seems i've been banned from his site LOL

on Sep 25, 2010




on Sep 25, 2010

it seems i've been banned from his site LOL

Join the Elite!


I think a special prize should go to GRiM.....

on Sep 25, 2010

this was posted in response to another post which stated grim should make the theme available for free so people can examine the images:

He already did that, posted all .PSD's yesterday as a proof that he made all those images, and vStyler admitted that those images were legit done by MrGRiM. what else you need?

is that true?

on Sep 25, 2010

Send him to West Chester Pa. I know a dude named Bubba who likes to eat rippers for lunch.

Hey mrgrim...got your scythe with you? If yes....fall on it!!!

Just clicked the url on the OP. Got a 404 in return.

on Sep 25, 2010

this was posted in response to another post which stated grim should make the theme available for free so people can examine the images:

He already did that, posted all .PSD's yesterday as a proof that he made all those images, and vStyler admitted that those images were legit done by MrGRiM. what else you need?

is that true?

1. I maintain that he stole the Theme design. He changed the name from "Venom" to "Poison". Really? How original/

2. So what? If I took one of Night Train's skins, relabelled the PSD's peeled and altered them a bit, would that mean I designed a new Theme?

3. I seriously doubt vStyler has had any contact with the thief who maintains the stolen goods are better than the original. If he could make a     better skin, why didn't he create a whole new skin? Why steal someone else's work?

on Sep 25, 2010

You got it Doc. 


If I understand correctly, he did make the PSDs himself. He made, from ground up, a not so exact replica of John's Venom blind. He did not use the blind, or John's PSDs.

But he did steal the design/concept. It's as plain as the nose on my face. And I have a good sized nose.


If I make a counterfeit copy of The Mona Lisa, buy the paint myself, the canvas, and do the painting myself, is it not still a rip? Yes. I still stole the design and could not sell it as my own work, I'd probably be arrested.



on Sep 25, 2010

i agree he made the psd files from the ground up but they're so close to being replicas of john's it isn't funny. why create another theme so close to what john had? i seriously doubt the guy has had any contact with john in which john said the psd files were completely original. i have had my differences with john but i still hate to see him, or anyone else for that matter, ripped by some scumbag like grim. hopefully, deviantart and other site will ban grim like he has banned people who call him out for his theft.

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