So... what's the story...(Morning glory).. Will be be able to keep on skinning the same way we have for eons....
Some news would be great, even if its just maybe's.
Anxious in Florida.
I hear that it will all be done with fingerpainting on touch-screen computers.
but my crystal ball has been wrong before
acted in advance! im setup and ready to skin those Start apps
Rolo... what the hell happened to your Ps tool panel???
I still can't find 1 (literally ONE) reason to upgrade/switch to W8 , on a desktop non touch screen no sense at all, I mean for crying out loud
IMHO to get a free upgrade to Windows 9 which has Aero back and their "new" Retro (win 7) interface.
LOL I am probably the only forum member who was stupid enough to renew their MSDN subscription to get Win 8, VS 2012 et all.
No...I renewed my Technet sub....
I renewed my Technet sub too, but it wasn't necessarily to get Windows 8, I renew my subscription every year.
I am only half way through my first real SEVEN skin and you all are pushing for 8 and 9. slow down, let my slow ass catch up first, please.
Not to worry. Windows 7 around here will be around for a long time. Keep going.
Get used to it..
Used to what, being slow or windows Seven.OR both?
It will be on my machine along with VS2010 Expresson 4. Ironically I may dual boot Windows 8 and develop a good Windows Store app so I can make eonugh money to buy an Apple.
Pretty much yeah....what V said! Ya gotta be quick around here...and actually it's been slow