Havent 'seen' anyone post this yet so I am..been like this since switching over...
Also I get 403 Forbidden everytime i click recent posts link
recent forum activity is still way behind,
also, i cannot rate anymore.. again.
URL you are clicking from?
URL of link you are clicking?
https://forums.wincustomize.com/?g=recent on main page.
Well while i can understand not supporting some small things in an older browser I would assume that its not being forsaken completely to where the top 1/3 of the forums section is unusable. Its still by far the second most used browser at least by my site stats.
I have to use\skin IE6.. and frankly can't stand firefox.. hopefully this can be fixed.
I use IE6 as well....more than a little colourful.....
I've been getting that at the StarDock Forums at work (can't access WC from there) using IE6 for a couple of days now
all Stardock Forum pages
can't post any shots from work either
been waiting to see if anyone else saw it
I use opera and i keep getting it when i hit recent posts.
I put it down to andrew changing the forum code. Never used to happen. so dont come saying its operas fault Opera is wunderbar!!
Good man Firefox is just so
I get what vStyler is getting too...on my laptop. It is running IE6...can't install IE7 on that machine. The forums are fine on my pc...running IE7 on it.
Is there gonna be a fix, so that folks with IE6 can use the forums?
[quote who="Night Train" reply="8" id="1863696"]I keep getting logged out when I change from the Galleries to the forums. IE7 Ads are everywhere at any random time as well. Logged in or not. Sometimes they are there, sometimes they are not.
Ditto. Using ie8, Stardock Forums v1.6.3167.15149. Ads are driving me nuts.........
I'm going to consider this post a report on the IE6 issues and the recent posts update speed, and will be moderating out reports of any other issues or tangents reporting other issues in the same post. If you have other issues, please create a new post outlining in detail what those issues are along with the usual bit of information we need (browser version, page url, etc)
I will update the css to remove the wild navigation layout issues for IE6 this week. PLEASE DO NOT make subsequent posts asking when or why it is not done yet. I will moderate those immediately.
Those of you using IE6 should prepare to install a later version of IE or switch to a different, newer browser very soon. Support for IE6 will be dropped eventually. We are planning on support only two major revisions of a browser while they hold a significant share of our traffic.
As for the recent posts, vStyler you neglected to let us know which 'recent posts' box you were speaking of. None the less, the recent posts boxes in the right hand columns on our sites are on a caching timeout and will not always reflect the realtime posts on the forums, if you want to get realtime data, use https://forums.wincustomize.com/recent or the /recent page for whatever forum you are browsing.