Hello WC and thanks for stopping by my page. Look forward to more submissions in the near future.
Strip it... Strip it good
Published on April 29, 2009 By vStyler In Community

After seeing the popularity of transparent themes in the past few months I thought it was time for me to put my own version of the concept together. Hopefully I can do it justice, and provide a high quality Master skin with my own take on it.

The basic concept is a stripped down, very transparent, very fast WB that is perfect for screenshotting and showcasing wallpapers

There will be zero bevels or gradients, all the buttons will be flat and designed to be more like a touch screen interface.

It will have a white text and black text start menu substyle for use with light or dark wallpapers.

Heres a small screeny of what I have after a couple of days, I'll try to expose more as I strip it down.


I hope everyone can get Naked soon


Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 29, 2009

very fast WB that is perfect for screenshotting and showcasing wallpapers

You hinted about this one to me right after you released V2 Spectrum John!

Just to let you know that I've been waiting for this since friggin 2007 dammit!!!

You already know what I'm going to do with it!

Can't wait...


on Apr 29, 2009

I see nothing new here.... far from.
Looks pretty much like the multitude of "Vista glass" clones allready available.

Rather a crappy comment from a WC mod IMO but fair enough...I'll retort.


Sorry but I'll have to disagree with that assesment, other than being transparent it holds zero similarity to Vista.


In fact.. please.. I'd like to hear from you what makes this skin, from the little shown, a Vista clone.

Owning tons of skins doesn't neccesarily improve your judgement, but your entitled to your 'expert' opinion 

Not for you? Guess you won't be owning this one.





Thx Curtis, had you in mind when I was formulating the concept. 'Preciate it.

on Apr 29, 2009

Thx Curtis, had you in mind when I was formulating the concept. 'Preciate it

The second I glanced at it I kinda knew that brother!


When I finish the skin and get it posted I'm going to have a contest for best screenshot.

You might as well engrave my name on the first place trophy now dude!

I'm already there!

on Apr 29, 2009

When I finish the skin and get it posted I'm going to have a contest for best screenshot.


Details still to be worked out but hopefully it'll be a little fun.

on Apr 29, 2009

Looks cool John!  

on Apr 29, 2009

John, You are much better than what I see so far. You know I love ya and that's why I am telling you the truth from my perspective.


Here is some inspiration.



on Apr 29, 2009

Craig..I know what you mean but the entire premise is for the skin to be uber simple, super translucent and ultra quality.

Ive made my share of very complex skins, done the Aero clones, space skins, tech skins, you name it..

Theres a method to my madness... promise

Back Atcha mate.

on Apr 29, 2009

  I've said my peace, now make me wrong.

on Apr 29, 2009

Snowman....I disagree with your comment. The start button is the only part of the skin that looks "windowy" at this point (and that's subject to change). The min-max-close buttons aren't windows-y...maybe slightly like 'aerial' but far from identical as evidenced by the shape of the maximize button....v said it's supposed to be simple and fast.

Simple and fast is fine by me. There'll probably be a light colored font and a dark one depending on the color of the desktop...

v...go for it. I love the concept.

@NT - I really wish you'd update 'Badlands' for Vista...it was one of my fave XP skins.

on Apr 29, 2009

I'll add... I do frequent all the skin sites... I think it's important if you are going to sell your 'wares' that you give folks what they want.. and from what I see... translucency, web 2.0'ish gui and minimal, sleek lines... is what the majority wants.. and are using.

I'll also add.. of all the similar type themes I've downloaded, most are low quality, somewhat buggy and generally not well executed.

Ergo... why not make my own? With it's own twist and personality.

I think, from a business perpesctive... it would be foolish to ignore the mob.

Plus... Personally I'm loving the crap out of it 

on Apr 29, 2009

I'll also add.. of all the similar type themes I've downloaded, most are low quality, somewhat buggy and generally not well executed.

As they say,"The devil is in the details" and very,very few do the details to the degree you do,v. I'm sure it will have widespread appeal. Good luck with it. 

on Apr 29, 2009

Thanks Wiz... lovely comment mate.

on Apr 29, 2009

Plus... Personally I'm loving the crap out of it

Sounds messy. Seriously though, I'm looking forward to seeing this develop.

on Apr 30, 2009

Looking great !

on Apr 30, 2009

As they say,"The devil is in the details" and very,very few do the details to the degree you do,v.

He puts detailing on the detail...of his details.....

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