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Strip it... Strip it good
Published on April 29, 2009 By vStyler In Community

After seeing the popularity of transparent themes in the past few months I thought it was time for me to put my own version of the concept together. Hopefully I can do it justice, and provide a high quality Master skin with my own take on it.

The basic concept is a stripped down, very transparent, very fast WB that is perfect for screenshotting and showcasing wallpapers

There will be zero bevels or gradients, all the buttons will be flat and designed to be more like a touch screen interface.

It will have a white text and black text start menu substyle for use with light or dark wallpapers.

Heres a small screeny of what I have after a couple of days, I'll try to expose more as I strip it down.


I hope everyone can get Naked soon


Comments (Page 4)
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on May 01, 2009

One question though, will it feature full transparency like this beauty?


This is similar in effect, and uses the same technique, as my screenshot above does!  Nice find. 

on May 01, 2009


I see nothing new here.... far from.
Looks pretty much like the multitude of "Vista glass" clones allready available.
Rather a crappy comment from a WC mod IMO but fair enough...I'll retort.


Sorry but I'll have to disagree with that assesment, other than being transparent it holds zero similarity to Vista.

So, because I'm a mod I'm only allowed to give praise and glory?


In fact.. please.. I'd like to hear from you what makes this skin, from the little shown, a Vista clone.

Never said it was a 'Vista clone', only that it looked like one.


Owning tons of skins doesn't neccesarily improve your judgement, but your entitled to your 'expert' opinion

Have never claimed to be an expert, nor will I ever be one. No one will ever be..... not even you.


Not for you? Guess you won't be owning this one.

Couldn't agree more.

on May 01, 2009

So, because I'm a mod I'm only allowed to give praise and glory?


No your welcome to your opinion, Just came off badly Imo and I wasn't the only person to think that...far from.

I'm still waiting to hear from you what prompted you to say it 'looked like' a Vista clone.

..but frankly it doesn't matter to me what you think as I hold little to zero faith in your judgement.

on May 01, 2009

With any of these solutions, if you use FireFox, here is the add-on that turns Firefox to glass.  It works with all of these skin solutions.  I highly recommend this. 

All Glass Firefox


on May 01, 2009

All Glass Firefox


Tried it.. just made everything black on my firefox.. is there a trick?

on May 01, 2009

The thread describes any caveats.  Apparently, there are one or two firefox addons that can break it.  And you have to be using the Firefox 3, 32 bit branch.  3.5 doesn't work yet I don't think, and it doesn't support the 64 bit Firefox. 

Let me know what you find out as I have never had it not work just right out of the box.

on May 01, 2009


So, because I'm a mod I'm only allowed to give praise and glory?

No your welcome to your opinion, Just came off badly Imo and I wasn't the only person to think that...far from.

I'm still waiting to hear from you what prompted you to say it 'looked like' a Vista clone.

..but frankly it doesn't matter to me what you think as I hold little to zero faith in your judgement.

See... with that last line you'll be waiting very long. I won't drop to that low a level - just to justify an opinion.
(Last post from me in this thread.)

on May 01, 2009

Thanks everyone, I'll try not to disappoint 

One question though, will it feature full transparency like this beauty?
SkyDXT - I've yet to venture into Vista (shown in that screenshot) with this theme... but everything that can be glassed... will be.

There are a few additional things that the user has to do to get that particular look and I don't like to make folks take additional steps to obtain a look with my themes. In addition to that I'd like to keep it as usuable as possible.

However it turns out, hopefully it'll be classy looking.

Well I'm currently using this style and from what I understand these extra steps are not neccessary for a WB to reach full transparency. Everything that is inside the window frames is completely made glass by WB alone, he only used the help of the native AERO engine to get a seamless flow between frame and inside while using the default AERO Stream.

Anyway I'm happy about your statement that you will try to make everything glassed, it always bothered me on most skins that I could set the frame and explorer bg to glass but the address and "command" bar where still opaque.


Keep up the awesome work!

on May 01, 2009

See... with that last line you'll be waiting very long.

Fine by me, had the first critique been anywhere near accurate I would have addressed it appropriately.

on May 01, 2009

The commandbar will be trans... the address bar.. ive had issues with making it trans in past themes... but we'll see.

on May 01, 2009

That's how it gets done

Best leave it in the CHAMP's hand


on May 01, 2009

Kinda reminds me of the wb Solarion. Not the shape but of the tranparency.

Can't wait

on May 01, 2009

I'll get these over to v tomorrow night and he can pass them along.

looks great...thanks....

on May 02, 2009

I see nothing new here.... far from.
Looks pretty much like the multitude of "Vista glass" clones allready available.

I too got the initial impression that it was another vista clone. Reminds me of Aero Frost. Looks nice, though.

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