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Ripper Alert
Published on September 24, 2010 By vStyler In WinCustomize Talk

Would my kind friends here, as many as possible.. if possible, please go to this link, and tell this guy what u think of his ripping my hard work, claiming it as his own.. and if that wasnt bad enough, trying to sell it.


Hope i can count on you all.


oh and Jafo... you especially.




Thanks everyone. 


Also, if u want, hit the report submission button too.

Comments (Page 18)
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on Sep 28, 2010

I'll lay you ten to one odds that this guy and his cronies wouldn't know what to do with an app like SkinStudio. They'd actually have to 'work' at building a skin instead of taking parts from here and there and changing them to suit. Where's the originality?

on Sep 28, 2010

little curious about the claims that grimmy and John have been in communications and that graphics files had been sent to John to review. is there any truth in that and what might the outcome be.

anyhow, sent this to virtual customs themes:

Poison window 7 theme by Mr. Grim appears to be direct copy or design rip of Vstyler's windowblind Venom. Personally, the copywrite issues should be obvious, might this, and other works, be removed to avoid confusion to the artists and legal ramifications?

on Sep 28, 2010

Not gonna help GMC2.. its his site,



Yeah , he posted a few PSD's, he obviously made them , unfortunately, he has just copied my design.

on Sep 28, 2010

What gets me is the guy's arrogance...

Hell, he can't even be a jerk online in an original way.


After some "discussions" over the last coupla days with the GRiM & fanboys.... you can only conclude that to call them neanderthals, would be doing neanderthals a grave injustice....

it's quite disappointing that you can't even try and communicate with them.... to have an exchange of views and try and explain that what they are doing is wrong.... I'm sure they very well know it's wrong...but like to hide behind a curtain of indignance so they can just keep taking the shortcuts of chopping up other creative skinner's blinds.....and all pat themselves on the back as to how clever they are...... none of them seem to show the slightest indignation that this GRiM dude has entered a competition with someone's elses work....which is just the height of gall to me....beyond even the ripping or the selling....just can't get my head around that one at all...and they all find it quite acceptable...which tells you alot about the other competitors....that's obviously their accepted rules...

the skinners ripping and supporting ripping are a very juvenile, edukayshun challenged lot who can't master the English language, leave alone master an original design.... and I 'relize' now that the best course of action is as Jafo stated previously....but,  I had to find it out for myself.... ...and...wow.... that lot are scraping the bottom of the evolution barrel....



Don't bother with the he said she said.....it's a waste of time.

Ideally post appropriate policy violation reports direct to Devart, or post links here to both your work/s and the rips on Devart...and I shall forward those collectively direct to someone who 'can' deal.

99 times out of 100 arguing with someone who does not understand IP rights [or doesn't care to] does exactly nothing, other than make you hoarse.

The problem can be made to go away....but the devil is in the detail.


on Sep 28, 2010

wow.... that lot are scraping the bottom of the evolution barrel....

Not even.... evolution missed them entirely.  Ever hear of the missing link?  That lot fell somewhere between neanderthals and homo sapiens, so no, let's not lump them in with any other humanoids or primates.

on Sep 28, 2010

Well said Syd

on Sep 28, 2010

I do think the guys at DA who stole vstyler's ideas and work, they are eating this up, all this attention they are gettting from us folks on here, as hard as it would be to do, ignore them and they will go away, they are wise ass, arrogant thieves, and are eating up all this attention, if ignored long enough they will go away, just a thought, i would love to throttle them as much as the next guy, buy folks here making comments there, is just adding fuel to his fire, stop adding the fuel and the fire goes out, its kinda like dealing with an EX-WIFE LOL

on Sep 28, 2010

From my dA site:


Mr. GRiM has taken vStyler's Windowblind "Venom" and used his graphics without permission to sell a theme called "Poison".

May he be banned from this site without further ado!


"You guys are all fucking retards, there is no doubt about it, you telling groups to ban me when I have already left, get a fucking clue you morons"



Your intellect is exceeded only by your honesty and artistic talent.

I will leave your comment here as a tribute to my contempt for you and your ilk, and my loyalty to vStyler as an artist and friend.



"Mate I can do themes that fast, it's just a mock up in Photoshop, it doesn't take that long for a professional such as myself to achieve a quality theme, maybe you on the other hand struggle with intellect and ideas and maybe you have very little understanding of Photoshop, maybe you should stop being such a ridiculous fool with these unfounded accusations and try and keep some of your self respect intact."

[comment: I'll bet he can do them fast...how long does it take to steal someone else's ideas? Sort of the difference between a Ferrari factory and a chop shop, no?  But didn't he claim to have spent weeks on this?]



A thief is a thief is a thief.
You've been branded for what you are. How long will it take you to realize the truth through all your self deceptions? Everyone else sees it, why can't you?


@Jafo.... Press the "Smite" button already!

on Sep 28, 2010

I got a message from him too, on my site. I removed it because I couldnt respond to it (he has me blocked). Then I realized, all I had to do was respond on my site with a new comment, not a reply.

He is so arrogant and quite frankly, very rude. I blocked him anyway. I don't need his ilk casting insults at my friends on my page there. He just don't get it, and probably never will. I imagine others will be getting messages from him too.

on Sep 28, 2010

[comment: I'll bet he can do them fast...how long does it take to steal someone else's ideas? Sort of the difference between a Ferrari factory and a chop shop, no? But didn't he claim to have spent weeks on this?]

He claimed it took a week to create that theme.

on Sep 28, 2010

I got this notice at DA.

on Sep 28, 2010

He just don't get it, and probably never will.

Oh, he gets it all right. He simply refuses to admit his guilt and own it. Instead, he'll spend hours protesting innocence, calling names and trying to muddy the issues. "Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

on Sep 28, 2010

He just don't get it, and probably never will.[/quote]

Oh, he gets it all right. He simply refuses to admit his guilt and own it. Instead, he'll spend hours protesting innocence, calling names and trying to muddy the issues. "Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

[quote who="RedneckDude" reply="266" id="2789632"]I got this notice at DA.

Reduced 55%Original 1072 x 669

Jim, we didn't see the report they're answering...but if you reported (the rip of v's "Venom") how professional/skilled could their Moderation be?

After all, I don't think Jafo would have turned to their people unless he felt there was an issue. My best guess is that these notices are simply their "plausible denial" to avoid legal action.

on Sep 28, 2010

I suggest that anyone that has their work at DA remove it, and tell them why.  Did it myself a long time ago.  The site has no copyright controls whatsoever.

on Sep 28, 2010

I suggest that anyone that has their work at DA remove it, and tell them why.  Did it myself a long time ago.  The site has no copyright controls whatsoever.

I agree and was planning to do just that. I don't want to support a site that supports ripping. 

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