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Ripper Alert
Published on September 24, 2010 By vStyler In WinCustomize Talk

Would my kind friends here, as many as possible.. if possible, please go to this link, and tell this guy what u think of his ripping my hard work, claiming it as his own.. and if that wasnt bad enough, trying to sell it.


Hope i can count on you all.


oh and Jafo... you especially.




Thanks everyone. 


Also, if u want, hit the report submission button too.

Comments (Page 20)
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on Sep 29, 2010

Hm, I have reported about 6 rips this year I noticed and it took each of them longest 2 days before they where gone. But those where very clear cases. This one is about theft of an idea, maybe that's what takes them so long.

And they will not delete a screenshot (like the mockup  he posted), as there is no need to do so. One thing I have learned from the Jark incident and others : It gets You nowhere if You delete everything... In my case I am sorry I have done that as it is part of my history that is gone now at da. I've had the finger on the trigger here also at times, but no.

And sorry people, I understand Your motives, but this is becoming a witchhunt by a furios mob already. Let Jafo deal with it.

on Sep 29, 2010

I agree about the 'public eye' and am thus corresponding with the appropriate people at Devart privately.

This is not the first issue of its type, not by any means.  A 'famous' one revolved around another 'style skinner on Devart, but in that case Microsoft got involved directly.

It won't be the last, either, as ignorance and arrogance is rife.

It is probably quite important to be aware that most skinner members of Wincustomize.com are also members of Deviantart.com, and some predate BOTH sites' inception....

on Sep 29, 2010

The best thing people from WC can do is lead by example.

Continually making posts to someone who is incapable of understanding is a waste of time and won't necessarily paint you in the best light.

Let the powers that be handle the situation

on Sep 29, 2010

I can put this issue in one tidy little nutshell...

To any person whose works are being taken by MrGRiM01 and reposted on Devart [re-authored or otherwise] you will NEED to serve both him and Devart with a formal DMCA notice.  That is LIKELY to mean ONLY Devart, as most affected people are blocked from his page/site.


Link to DMCA notice to use.

That's about it at the moment.....I'm sure there's other things I can be doing....

on Sep 29, 2010

and, remember when one of our own went through something similiar not long ago. those who accussed simply stated the facts are were very patient with us. no reason to beat drums.

on Sep 29, 2010

Thanks everyone.

on Sep 29, 2010

I understand the "public eye" thing too, but some people can't be dealt with any other way. For example, when I went to his site and PMd him asking that my work be removed, I got banned from his site. Now how do you deal privately with someone who won't deal privately?

on Sep 29, 2010

Jim makes a good point.

on Sep 29, 2010

on Sep 29, 2010

Try this to help prove theft in the future.



on Sep 29, 2010

Now how do you deal privately with someone who won't deal privately?

Nuclear weapons. Start with 'Tacticals'. Leave the 'planet crackers' for last.

on Sep 29, 2010

Or send 'em a bag full of starkers best starkerbarkers. That'll make him sit up and take notice in a hurry.

on Sep 29, 2010

Why is the public flame fest OK in this case?

Because it's NOT DA and no one is calling out a member here that the admins would have to step in. (?)


I, for one, belive almost any situation can be resolved and/or an understanding can be reached. (My work takes me into GA all the time and I haven't left one flaming bag of dogsh*t on Skinhits doorstep)

I think the guy, with all his obvious ability, doesn't have an 'original' thought to build on or he doesn't know how. In the meantime, I have an assload of original blinds and no way to finish them. Maybe I will drop him a line. I dunno.

I just don't get why he doesn't see what the real issue here is and why it's wrong. I like to think a true 'thief' would remove the work with no issues once caught. So I am thinking the guy really doesn't see that he did something wrong and pride is preventing him from admitting to it. I could be wrong. I went through this with a Chinese guy who ported one of my IconPackages for i-phone. We ended up becoming emial-pals for a few months and then I lost track of him after the big earthquake in Chine a while back.

Sorry. Just rambling out loud. I'm bored outta my skull in a hotel for the fifth week in a row.

on Sep 29, 2010

So I am thinking the guy really doesn't see that he did something wrong and pride is preventing him from admitting to it.




.....or, it may be the 2.95 per sale he is getting delivered to his bank acct.

on Sep 29, 2010

I just don't get why he doesn't see what the real issue here is and why it's wrong. I like to think a true 'thief' would remove the work with no issues once caught. So I am thinking the guy really doesn't see that he did something wrong and pride is preventing him from admitting to it.

See my response 267, Po.


I believe he knows what he did was wrong. He's not stupid, only crooked. Therefore,

So I am thinking the guy really doesn't see that he did something wrong and pride is preventing him from admitting to it. 


.....or, it may be the 2.95 per sale he is getting delivered to his bank acct.


Is absolutely correct. He's an obnoxious, profane, loudmouthed, egregious thief.

You want to business with him? Why? Didn't I see skinners here offering to help you finish skins?

Please help me understand.


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