Hello WC and thanks for stopping by my page. Look forward to more submissions in the near future.
Ripper Alert
Published on September 24, 2010 By vStyler In WinCustomize Talk

Would my kind friends here, as many as possible.. if possible, please go to this link, and tell this guy what u think of his ripping my hard work, claiming it as his own.. and if that wasnt bad enough, trying to sell it.


Hope i can count on you all.


oh and Jafo... you especially.




Thanks everyone. 


Also, if u want, hit the report submission button too.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 24, 2010

Haha the bastard hid my comments!! I was making such a fool out of him, and he couldn't come up with anything to say in response! 

What a moron......he's just hiding all the comments that say he's a thief. I wish people like him would be banned from the internet......or the world.


......and now I'm not allowed to comment on his skins. 

on Sep 24, 2010

Haha the bastard hid my comments!! I was making such a fool out of him, and he couldn't come up with anything to say in response! 

What a moron......he's just hiding all the comments that say he's a thief. I wish people like him would be banned from the internet......or the world.

Yeah the whole second page is "flagged as spam." Wonder how long it'll take before he flags mine as well.

on Sep 24, 2010

He has blocked me from commenting.

The bastard has blocked me, and Xiandi!

on Sep 24, 2010

all my comments....hidden....now banned from commenting...... thats a bad feature on DA..... just allows scumbags to hide happily.... 

on Sep 24, 2010

Yep, I've been Deviously Denied from posting more comments. And I totally agree, being able to hide comments just because you don't like what they say (the fact that they point out that you're a thieving douchebag) doesn't do the community any favors when it comes to jackasses like these.

"How about you unblock me then so I can talk to you in private then, I would like to see if we can make some sort of of compromise here that we can both benefit from"

Yeah...a compromise letting him happily sell the theme that he ripped....not in this lifetime.

on Sep 24, 2010

He has blocked me from commenting.

At least I'm not the only one he blocked.

on Sep 24, 2010

blocked all mine too, but you could post comments at the following groups where the deviation is posted...

he is co-founder of this group http://win7themedesigners.deviantart.com/

it is featured at this group http://customizewindows.deviantart.com/

and it is in this group too http://design-addicts.deviantart.com/

hopefully dA will pull it after all the reports on it


Detect language » Spanish
on Sep 25, 2010

And I have since made 2 more accounts at DA and he has blocked all 3.


on Sep 25, 2010

Wow, he seriously thinks that just adding a link to John's gallery is good enough, and that he should still be allowed to sell the work he stole. This guy has real problems.

on Sep 25, 2010

I'm posting with you Bebi. As deviatedredneck. 

on Sep 25, 2010

OMG, I cant believe he has now added this line in his description... Please don't forget to have a look at vStylers gallery and his brilliant VENOM WB theme [link], it definitely wasnt there before!

Detect language » Spanish
on Sep 25, 2010

You are kidding, this is about as blatant as you can get. Bastard!!!

on Sep 25, 2010

Yeah karmat, that was his "I know I fucked up, but here's a half-assed apology and credits, now let me get back to selling this art I stole."

on Sep 25, 2010

'This theme was based on the best WB theme I have ever seen called VENOM by vStyler, all images were reproduced with every detail and of course some of my own style was put into them as well, I made this theme because of the respect and admiration to vStyler and hope to one day be as good has him'


on Sep 25, 2010

He is too much, now he is going to split the profits with John! I just wish there was a way to show that he has edited his description from what it was originally.

Detect language » Spanish
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