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Ripper Alert
Published on September 24, 2010 By vStyler In WinCustomize Talk

Would my kind friends here, as many as possible.. if possible, please go to this link, and tell this guy what u think of his ripping my hard work, claiming it as his own.. and if that wasnt bad enough, trying to sell it.


Hope i can count on you all.


oh and Jafo... you especially.




Thanks everyone. 


Also, if u want, hit the report submission button too.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Sep 25, 2010

John....ideally you're the one to send the DMCA request.


on Sep 25, 2010

On his "Virtual Customs" website, he is distributing skins from:

Artur Berk, Modblackmoon, Kittymalone, jj ying, Aroche, Tiggs, theAVMAN, Boxxi, Chuckeye, duopixart, BONEHEADdb, ChaNinja, Treetog, Digital Chet, Saarge, Apocalypse_67, APB, Sleeping Dragon, basj, D. Arnaez

That is just from the list of cursors he is distributing on his site! He also had desktop gadgets from some familiar names as well.

You can find them in the 'forum' (you have to be a member). There you can download the files, usually in .rar form. He does say who made them, but I seriously doubt he asked permission to distribute them!

 Edit: He is distributing gadgets from:

Richard Mohler, danillooc, SVIZ, RedneckDude, theAVMAN, and IslandDog

on Sep 25, 2010

He does say who made them, but I seriously doubt he asked permission to distribute them!

Not for mine, he don't. He has at least 5 of my skins.

on Sep 25, 2010

I've sent Jeff an email to clue him in onto this idiot.

on Sep 25, 2010

All comments gone from his DA site. But he says this: " Profits from this theme will be split between vStyler and myself as I think that is only fair for his truly inspiring work of art."




Yeah, right. 

on Sep 25, 2010

Well, at least we know our persistence is paying off. At first he went from "screw you buddy, my rip is better than your original" to basically bowing down to John and offering to split the proceeds of his thievery.

on Sep 25, 2010

If he's in Australia he has a real problem....

That's right, Jafo, kick his backside up to his shoulder blades.

As for this scum sucking ripper, I hope he gets his just desserts and everyone gets all the ripped works taken down.

on Sep 25, 2010

Jeff has made his presence known on Grim Ripper's dA, shouldn't be long now before he either caves or gets lawyers hot up his butt.

on Sep 25, 2010

He needs to be raped with a stick wrapped in barb wire and rusty nails.

on Sep 25, 2010

I have put weeks of hard work into this theme and I see nothing wrong in posting work that was 100% created by me, I would like to offer you a business relationship and see no reason why you would not benefit from it, I can remove it from DA if this is really your final thoughts on the matter but I will not remove it from my site as I just don't think that is fair for all the hard work that I have done.


so....according to this reasoning...... I can hand write out War & Peace..... and after weeks of hard work copying the words exactly..... I can claim it as my own..... as my creation.....and sell it.....   wow!!...talk about a hide...


I suppose the idea of Intellectual Property is lost on someone who shows no signs of intellect 

on Sep 25, 2010

I suppose the idea of Intellectual Property is lost on someone who shows no signs of intellect

That is brilliant, and sadly true. And good analogy, this guy is mentally challenged, kinda sad.

on Sep 25, 2010

Hah! He disabled comment completely now! Spineless chickenshit!

so....according to this reasoning...... I can hand write out War & Peace..... and after weeks of hard work copying the words exactly..... I can claim it as my own..... as my creation.....and sell it..... wow!!...talk about a hide...

Hmmmmm? The bible is the all time best seller! And everyone loves a good bible! Naaah...to much work!

on Sep 25, 2010

I suppose the idea of Intellectual Property is lost on someone who shows no signs of intellect
  You got that right!!!

on Sep 25, 2010

Hah! He disabled comment completely now! Spineless chickenshit!

When I followed the link there was no comment box at all... not that I would have given him a piece of my mind. 

Don't have a lot to spare , but I sure would've let the ripping scum sucker know my views on what he's done.

on Sep 25, 2010

=MrGRiM01 1 hour ago All work in Poison was created 100% by me, the theme is based on the VENOM style but not a single image or resource was used from it, ignore all these scum bags they don't know what they are talking about and any of you that know me would realize that I never use other peoples resources and I respect all artists on DA and despise those who would steel work from someone else.

The greatest Windows 7 Themes, desktop gadgets, wallpapers and Icon packs etc from our talented Artists and WSB Tutorials.




Thats at above link..


Not seen the light yet.

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