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Question with boldness.
Published on August 31, 2009 By vStyler In Politics

Seems the other thread is borked for most of us.


Now.. where were we?

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on Aug 31, 2009

facts, videos, excerpts, ideas pesented over 4 hours.

I've mentioned them over and over in the other thread.

All his out of context clips, videos, and facts-presented-as-what-ifs with nothing to back them up. He raises questions and gives no concrete answers. I can do that. Let's start with his public admission of reading 'Mein Kampf'. He claims that it was only to understand the mentality of those behind it. Others could easily jump to the conclusion he's a Nazi. He's hiding a secert agenda. Their are people who woul;dn't even allow their own hands to be 'soiled' by that book that would jump to more extreme conclusions. In the end, without being mind readers, you either take him on his word or not. The same goes for his self proffessed alcoholism. You could assume that he is permantly unstable and feel he could never be trusted because that temptation will always be there. Alcoholism never gets 'better'. Medically it has been proven that when an alcoholic picks up again it's as if they never stopped. They don't pick up where they left off. Again, you give him the benefit of the doubt or not. He continuously throws out things and does nothing but imply the worst case scenario. All for ratings, money, and to secure his job, despite what he says. Because if he started being responsible in what he did, he'd be out of a job. He won't step back and look at what he insists is the real truth the way he would like people to look at him. He's a hypocrite. How does his religion factor in on that?

This guy is going down. He even knows it. It was like watching Kathy Lee Gifford cry her eyes out and whine the last few months she was on Regis. It was so much like 'Network' I kept expecting to see Sybill The Soothesayer pop up next to the shrink and give her prediction on exactly how long it would be.

You want to go on about the facts. Beck confessed his sole motivation, what he calls the worst thing that could happen to him on national TV. Fact. What would you do if Obama used those exact words? Where would you start? Would you want to know who that God was? What if it was the Jewish or Muslim God and not a Mormon God (as Beck's professed faith)? Would you then argue that one is better than the other, depending of course if it is the 'radical' version of that God or not? Would it be acceptable? If you will follow Beck, now that he has revealed what his driving force which would seem to be honoring his God by saying the inflamatory things he does WITHOUT backing them up or showing proof, but in sound bites and video clips, idle speculation, and inuendos galore, would you follow Obama should he chose to run the country on the same principals and in the same manner?

We are victims. We have been since 9/11. In a few moments of time on a single day we became paranoid, frightened, fearful, and felt lost. What we thought, hoped, and prayed would never happen actually did. Most to this day still ask themselves 'How did it happen? How could it have hapened?' We became angry. Over the course of the following days and months and years, nothing happened to ease those feelings for a lot of people. And I am not blaming anyone for not being able to ease those feelings. The people I do blame are the ones who prey on them. The ones who do it because they are in a place to be heard and can do it and seek profit and reward from it that has nothing to do with their 'religous' values. The ones who will keep fueling the hate and hostility, the fear, the depression. They are not trying to ease anything. . And so many are willing to listen if for no other reason than that they have decided there 'must' be more because of what happened on that day. That there are secrets and conspiricies everywhere. And they want to be shown them. They want to be led. And they'll listen to the loudest, most popular, most controversial voice they can find. And when that voice goes silent, they will prick their ears up for another one..and another one. Because they are scared and feel alone or lost. And the voices keep coming saying "Look here! There's More!" and so many look and listen because they are just afraid there may actually be more and they'll miss it this time.

Beck is a shining example of that. Let him put his money where his mouth is, or in this case, where his faith his. If he truly believes what he said. If he is doing it all for the 'honor of his God' and it's not just another huckster saying 'you don't understand', then prove it. Be an investigator not a regurgitator. Screw his 'Brainroom', go out and get his own hands dirty. The 'Brainroom' is just the 'PR' room. They may as well be the writers for the Access Hollywood. Show some responsibilty. Don't throw out 'What ifs' and say tune back tomorrow to find out 'how to'. If he turned around tomorrow and announced he was reversing his tithes, I might actually believe the guy is sincere in all he claims he is trying to do. But he won't convince me of that with a shrink, a whiteboard, and pretending to be a martyr on national TV.

I'm sure I've pissed off a lot of folks with this, whether they support Beck or not. The guy has only convinced me of one thing for sure..Sometimes fiction becomes reality. China Syndrome to Three Mile Island. Network to this mess. He can't go on the way he has been. He'll have to change his tune, his method, and/or his approach. I don't think he can. I don't think the media he works for will let him. They might pull him back a little..just enough to keep the money coming but in the end they'll let him blow up and bring in the next one.

on Aug 31, 2009

Po, again, you have discussed very little about what was discussed on all 5 shows last week.. that you watched, I'm starting to think perhaps you didn't watch them at all, Almost everything you just said was why you wouldnt believe, trust anything that was told to you.. by him.

As far as taking things out of context.. some clips dont need context. to have been said at all in any context would have been an issue.

More than a shrink made an appearance, at least a dozen, imo credible, guests discussed issues from one end of the spectrum to another. Most in agreement, this is totally dismissed on your part.


Karen, the chalkboard vid that started this whole discussion is apprently what u watched a few seconds of nothing.. all supposed to have been tied in to the weeks episodes, so basically, you havent watched either.


So, conclusion, based on answers in this thread... It appears to me that everyone is ready to knock the guy but no one is prepared to spend the time listening to him


but let me guess... you just know what he's going to say right?

on Aug 31, 2009

but let me guess... you just know what he's going to say right?

You do, don't you?  He's telling you what you already know to be true -- he's preaching to the choir.  The choir LOVES his preaching because he's just confirming what they already know...Obama is evil, the country is going to hell in a handbasket, we have to DO something to stop him and his evil minions, and the way we DO something is to get the sheep to wake up by tuning in to Beck's show so we can ALL think the same.

I know from the 5 minutes I watched that I don't like his stage presence.  It takes him forever to get to the point, so much of what he's saying is "coming up" "stay tuned" "we're going to be..."  I don't need the foreplay with this guy, just screw me and get it over with!  Why can't BOTH sides, the left and right, just put what they have to say in an outline of major points with footnotes in case I want to check their facts? I have time constraints and other things I'd rather be doing, so give me the Cliff notes and I'll review it when I'm in the bathroom or something.

on Aug 31, 2009

outline of major points with footnotes


It's too imporatant to minimize a full understanding.

Anyway, you now should have nothing more to say regarding Beck imo, any comments are just generalizations, nor does anyone else who hasn't taken the time to listen.


And here I thought everything he is saying had been debunked by y'all.... but no.


BTW - for all of you mocking the spelling mistake, watch the first minutes of last fridays episode (Link above)


So damn funny.

on Aug 31, 2009


It's too imporatant to minimize a full understanding.

What's important to you isn't as important to me, John.  I'm going Zen.  Less is more. 


...so yeah...I won't be commenting to any more Beck posts.  All of this crap is futile anyway; none of us is going to change anybody's mind and my personal bliss is skinning, not politics.  I'm done.  (the video is a metaphor).

on Aug 31, 2009

Well, I'm sad to hear that your rights to free speech, free market and what the constitution gaurantee's you aren't important to you.



on Aug 31, 2009

Almost everything you just said was why you wouldnt believe, trust anything that was told to you.. by him.

Can you read my mind again and guess what I am thinking now? Geesh. I don't trust or believe his motives for what he is doing, so I don't trust him. Period.

More than a shrink made an appearance, at least a dozen, imo credible, guests discussed issues from one end of the spectrum to another. Most in agreement, this is totally dismissed on your part.

On the contrary, it's too scary to just dismiss. It's sad. And it was all FOX news trying get some credibility back before they lose their lil' money maker.

to have been said at all in any context would have been an issue.

Like Beck admitting he read Mein Kampf? Okay. Beck is a socialist Nazi who is destined to fall off the wagon and die of wet brain. Further more, I will never trust him because as part of the 12 step program he has to go back and ask forgiveness except where it may do further harm and I believe as a Nazi socilaist he has done terrible things he will never be able to go back and ask forgiveness for. But then on the other hand, the 12 step program is based on the belief that there is a higher power and socialists don't believe in God so he is lying about his not being an active alcoholic (which may explain a lot) because he couldn't possibly be working the 12 step program and lying about his  Mormon faith. And that's from only two staements he has made. Does that work for anybody?

It appears to me that everyone is ready to knock the guy but no one is prepared to spend the time listening to him

I can only stomach the crap he spurts to prey on people for so long. I have listened to him. I have listened to entire shows. I listen to his radio show when I have to go out of state on long drives. Between him and Savage Nation I can gaurantee I will be so pissed off from their bullshit that I won't have to worry about falling asleep on the road. And that's a fact, not sarcasm.

And here I thought everything he is saying had been debunked by y'all

What's to debunk? Really? What is to debunk? Why, in his list of the 32 czars that he has on his site, aren't all the things he spews on the air in writing when he does his little backgrounds? Why doesn't he list it there along with his 'proof'. Where is the proof for the crap he goes on about? You are the one with nothing to say except watch his show. Watch the clips. Watch the sound bites. Listen to the possibilities. I'll wait until he does an investigative, objective report on just one item, from beginning to end with all the facts. I won't listen to half of the story and then listen to him play connect the commies before he follows through on where he started. he throws so much crap out at one time, I don't know how anyone keeps up. Even on his radio show, when someone calls in who may have the opinion I do and asks him to back it up, he hangs up. HE'll say the facts speak for themselves and still NOT PRESENT the facts..JUST inuendo.

You, imo, have made no effort to convince me of anything. Watch his show, watch his show.  On the other thread, one guy calls Obama 'scary fucking stupid' and 'made Bush look good' because he counted '57 states'and then goes on to say Obama set up the whole Chrysler take over because that was his intent from the start. We go from 'scary fucking stupid' to 'political mastermind' in the time it takes Beck to say 'Tune in tomorrow and I'll tell you why." You can't have it both ways.

any comments are just generalizations

My point exactly. Like saying ALL the czars are Marxists and bombers.

He's probably in the FOX boardroom right now with Rupert Murdoch screaming "You will atone!'

on Aug 31, 2009

before they lose their lil' money maker.

Why would that happen?

Like Beck admitting he read Mein Kampf

I've read Mein Kampf, more for insight into motives than anything.. but so what, am I a Nazi.. of course not.

I have listened to him. I have listened to entire shows. I listen to his radio show

seems odd that you would do that as much as you seem intent on tearing him down and expressing rampant dislike.

You, imo, have made no effort to convince me of anything.


Just haven't, as much as I want to, been able to find time, between being taxed to death at every turn and trying to make a living on top of it, it leaves me little time to do longer write ups detailing the kinds of questions I would like answers to. Which is why I provided the links to last weeks shows. The questions he is asking.. are what I want answered, No one has answered him anymore than they are likely to answer me if I typed it all out.


I will jot down some specific questions in a bit.. taxi time.


(non of this is personal)

on Aug 31, 2009

I've read Mein Kampf, more for insight into motives than anything.. but so what, am I a Nazi.. of course not

I'll leave that for my 30 million viewers to decide. Is he a Nazi? He's read the book. He knows the lingo. He listens to a a TV show hosted by another confessed reader. Have any of his other friends read the book..the manifesto? How can we be sure? We'll look into this and get back to you tomorrow. I don't have time to check all the facts. I have other issues to adress like the way you spell your handle.

seems odd that you would do that as much as you seem intent on tearing him down and expressing rampant dislike

I stated why. Odd or not, it's the truth. I wouldn't lie about it and destroy my relationship with my Father in heaven. I'll let my 30 million viewers decide for themselves. Now about that 'V' in your name...

Just haven't, as much as I want to, been able to find time, between being taxed to death at every turn and trying to make a living on top of it, it leaves me little time to do longer write ups detailing the kinds of...

Sorry. I don't have time for you to go blah bah blah. If you don't get it by now, you never will.


Next poster, please.


None of THIS is personal either.



on Aug 31, 2009

Well, I'm sad to hear that your rights to free speech, free market and what the constitution gaurantee's you aren't important to you.

What good are all those rights if in exercising them, I alienate my friends and possible future customers, neglect my family, and pour enough cortisol into my blood stream to give myself an early heart attack that I don't have healthcare to keep at bay?

"You can be right, or you can be happy" ...Gerald Jampolsky

on Aug 31, 2009

"If you want to know how I will govern, just look at who I surround myself with" - Barrack Obama

I think that perhaps, yourself and others just don't care who is surrounding Obama, I think perhaps that apppointed media diversity officer\Czar, Mark Lloyd, his background and his agenda.. just doesn't bother you. That he publicly praised Chavez's reveolution and the way that the media was manipulated and taken over and now is in chaarge of OUR media.. is OK with y'all?

That you actually believe that for 20 years Obama and his wife sat in Wrights racist and venomous church.. for TWENTY years and what he spew was never heard or never heeded by them? That, to me is just comical.

Do you believe he barely knew Bill Ayers ? that none of Ayers agenda was ever listened to or taken notice of by a young and impessionable Obama? Cmon...

Is the fact that Van Jones has won some 'awards' along the way really negate he is a self proclaimed communist that is now a Czar in this admina and a personal advisor to the president?

How many communists do you know, are friends with, employ? I know I dont know any... but I suppose.. thats ok too.

The chicago political scene is THE most corrupt in the country.. just a coincidence he cut his teeth there I guess.

Why were two black panthers, one employed by the democratic party that stood outside of polling stations with billyclubs not prosecuted by Eric Holder, yet.. he's going to go after the CIA who did nothing but their jobs and kept us safe for the past 8 years? ( all seemingly not Obama's wish, yet we really know he could stop any legal proceedings at anytime being the top law officer in the country)

Why has the census been massively overhauled to intrude more into our lives than at any other time in history?

Why was flag.gov the tattletail site pulled after just a few days, why was it up to begin with?

Why do we need a 'citizen army' as strong as our US military?

Why did a 1000 page healthcare bill HAVE to be shoved thru so quickly.. and how, if it is as complicated as everyone says was it written so quickly?

Why.. oh WHY.. did Acorn get such a massive chunk of stimulus money? WHy did it get one dollar?

Its a pattern, its hugely obvious to anyone that looks at it without bias what kind of govt is in power now and in which direction they want to take the united states. Its about stiffling dissent, ultimate power by hook or by crook, no holds barred.

All of this happened or is happening, it isn't out of context... but I guess.. if folks just don't care..If they don't want to piece it together... it doesn't really matter does it?

This has been being put together for many years, it's coming down.. If people choose to do nothing about it but shoot the messengers then lord help us.

I for one plan to stand up.


I have about 100 more I would post..if I really wanted to get going or had the time.. but why bother... its all just hate speech, racism and loontalk right?


Btw... the Liberal Dems in Japan.. after 50 years in power... just got spanked.


As long as the people have their rights, what is given.. can be taken back and will be.

on Aug 31, 2009



Yeah, I know.. its on Fox..they are just.... the messenger  but listen to what she says.




Diane Watson just handed herself a loss before the voting starts.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrA9zj94NuU  Maxine waters... also done next time around.


This is why Beck isnt going down.. Too much material abounds.


"Megyn Kelly 2012"  Love it.

on Aug 31, 2009

How many communists do you know, are friends with, employ? I know I dont know any... but I suppose.. thats ok too.

If by "communists" you mean people who believe in the theory behind the Marxist phrase "From each, according to his ability, to each, according to his need." then I guess you know one....*timidly raising my hand here*  I know it doesn't work in practice, but it's still the way I run my household, and if I had an island to myself, that is how I would run my island.

I would really love to be a ruthless, free market, fatten-my-wallet-and-fuck-everybody else, sort of individual -- after all, as an atheist, isn't that the mindset I'm suppose to have?  Instead my own personal philosophy fits with what Jesus taught, love my neighbor as myself, being my brother's keeper, and treating others as I would like to be treated, despite the fact that I don't have faith that guy ever existed.  Kind of ironic, isn't it?

on Aug 31, 2009

john, you believe beck. i don't. i know he submits his fallacies as facts. he has admitted to doing so in the past. i watched him one time and that's all the proof i needed. he's not a journalist or investigator. he's a shock-jock, nothing more.

nothing i can say will convince you. nothing you can say will convince me. this is true about beck and the way the country is being run and the prospects of its future. this can also be said about the colts vs jags.

you're still a friend, tho. i do have a friend who claims to be a communists. i also have many friends who are republicans. i don't hold their political views against them.

on Aug 31, 2009

Now now karen, thought u were done here.

Ook, So you answered 1 question.. albeit.. timidly.  Communists are ok with you

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