Seems the other thread is borked for most of us.
Now.. where were we?
Since when does one have to be titled journalist or investigator to point out what is clearly visible ALL OVER THE MEDIA.
Keep shooting the messenger everyone, avoid the questions.
Btw.. Beck is a a registered independent and goes frequently after republicans also.. If y'all watched, you would know that.
If you examine what that Rabbi said, you'll find it fairly Communist/Socialist and pretty revolutionary certainly wasn't Capitalism.
john, when the messenger is not being truthful, the messege isn't valid.
olberman and maddow go after democrats too but i don't see you supporting them.
I dont see anyone bashing them
About what in particular? what Po, you left out of your info on Van Jones.
Looks pretty investigated to me, quotes, footage, dates, relevant information. I'm sure if any of it was false They would be on it like flies on sh*t.
Suppose this guy was reborn ( we all know that hasn't happened ) Is it ok for him to be in the inner circle of the United States wHite house just based on past behaviour??
Show me where Beck lied about him, the untruths... oh and the dozen or so questions I asked ^
the only show i've watched is the one where he centered on the site, john. not one thing he said that night was truthful.
as for your questions, i'm not going to waste my time on them because it doesn't matter what i would say, you wouldn't believe it. like i said before, you're right-wing and i'm a bit left of center.
as for olberman and maddow, they aren't like the daily show, hannity, and beck where they use only a portion of a soundbyte or video clip. they show the entire clip or tell where they got it from. they, at least, attempt to get facts which is unlike beck. do i agree with everything they say? nope. do i watch them religiously like you do of beck. again, nope. i don't base my opinion on what a talking head says. i do my own research and base my opinions and thoughts on that.
i don't believe everything being said about obama and his adminstration just like i didn't the things said about bush and his administration. actually, i've gained some respect for bush since he's left office based on his actions after the election. i can't say the same for cheney, tho.
as for who is in 'the inner circle', i don't care. i don't care what their past is (true or false), what religion they are, or what color their skin is. it's what they believe now. they only things in one's past i hold against a person is if he/she was guilty of a sex crime or murder.
i'm not trying to be personal in way, shape, or form here, john. i hope you aren't taking it as such.
Pas, you cant say, Im not answering the questions cos u wont like my answers, cmon..
Honestly I have rarely watched Olberman or Maddow but I will make an attempt to.
As for not caring who is moulding this country.. sorry but I don't get that... seems like turning a blind eye.
As for me.. I'm not right wing, at least I have never considered myself that, I wasn't fully behind the war, nor was I against it. I'm pretty centered. If it was the republicans using these tactics, putting people like this into places of power with no oversight, I would be just as vocal about it. So I believe..would Beck, he isn't standing up for left or right.. he's standing up for the people, the constitution.
I don't even think the run of the mill democrats see whats coming... they better wake up.
You should too... were all apt to lose something if all this goes forward as they are planning it.
Famous last words " If I'd only"
Very Funny Karen.
You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels.
It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and subatomic and galactic structure of things today! And YOU have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU WILL ATONE!
Am I getting through to you, Mr. Beale?
You get up on your little twenty-one inch screen and howl about America and democracy. There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM and ITT and AT&T and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, and Exxon. Those are the nations of the world today.
What do you think the Russians talk about in their councils of state -- Karl Marx? They get out their linear programming charts, statistical decision theories, minimax solutions, and compute the price-cost probabilities of their transactions and investments, just like we do.
We no longer live in a world of nations and ideologies, Mr. Beale. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable bylaws of business. The world is a business, Mr. Beale. It has been since man crawled out of the slime. And our children will live, Mr. Beale, to see that perfect world in which there's no war or famine, oppression or brutality -- one vast and ecumenical holding company, for whom all men will work to serve a common profit, in which all men will hold a share of stock, all necessities provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused.
Where is his written agenda? Or stated agenda?
WHO's in charge of our media? Really. Who?
I sat in a church for 16 years that said Mormons were nothing but a cult. I never swallowed that load of crap. The day everyone agrees on everything, I'll personally give you a foot massage.
Yes. If I am to belive Beck read Mein Kampf for the reasons he says he did and nothing more.
And it's quite possible for you that that statement is truer than you think. Besides, communism is an ideology. You all throw it around as if it meant pedophile or rapist. What if your best friend was a communist? Would you disown him for having a view different than yours on how the economy should be governed? Where is the proof that this is Obamas agenda besides asscociates. Decades after he was censured, McCarthy is alive and well and being channeled through FOX news. I hope none of your friends are communists (they like to hide cause they be sneaky that way) for if they were exposed you..YOU would be on the list of aquantinces, close friends, companion, and/or confident. In that scenario, you wouldn't want to even know who Beck was.
Geesh. I grew up in South Philly. I didn't have anything to do with Mayor Goode bombing MOVE headqusrters and burning down an entire city block
I duuno. Why? For the same reason a hundred other sites went off the internet that day?
If it didn't go through quick someone would be crying it's taking to long. Which in reality it has taken decades to long. Better question..why did they all sign off on it so quickly if it's so flawed?
You mean a group of private citizens who train for military duty in order to be ready to defend their state or country in times of emergency? I dunno. Was 9/11 just a fluke?
You tell me. And what is it that concerns you about it? And if it was so wrong, why did the houses sign off on it? How did Mr. 'scary fucking stupid' manage to outsmart them all again?
I see more of a pattern if I cross my eyes and stare real hard at my ash tray. Which 'real' smoke comes from and it doesn't mean it's on fire.
No ones gonna get shot. It's more fun to watch him implode. And he's going to.
This video exemlifies everything I have been sayin. It leaves out that he was WRONGLY arrested and that the charges were dismissed and that he later won a settlement in court against the police department over the wrongful arrest.
The it quotes STORMS pamphlet, or in terms you can understand, their personal Mein Kampf. Which BECK has read but would deny the same aproach.
I love how they list the people that Mao Tse tong killed. Like no one in this country who was not a communist ever did. I suppose our government didn't single handidly try to wipe out the Native Americans. We didn't have a civil war over slavery and issues and go after one another, each side led by a president that was non-communist. This is FEAR-MONGERING. No different than lumping all Muslims with the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11.
Ella Baker. Let me ask a member of a repressed race in this country, a country that believed in slavery and even after abolished held down that race. Denied it rights. Looked the other way at cross-burnings and lynchings. A country that took almost 200 years to say "You can vote' to that long would you or could you tolerate it without seeing the end in site before you started looking ...looking, mind you...for answers elsewhere? And all they say is she worked closely with communists. Doing what? WHAT? They don't say. Considering the time and circumstances for all you know she was scrubbing their floors, based on that video. It doesn't even say she was a communist. At least they had the decency to call her an unsung civil rights worker.
That's because it really was shit and the smell ran them off. And there is no need for them to 'get on it' cause it's all more unsubstantiated crap. Inuendos. Fear Mongering. They don't even ask any real questions. Just present you with what they want you to hear. This just convinces me more and more and more how Beck is just a media puppet and wants you to be his fuck puppet. That was hard to watch.
What's sad is that they showed a lot of the good the guy is trying to do and they tried to put a negative spin on it. Yeah. The guy is a revolutionary. He has some amazing ideas on getting people back to work and fixing the cities. The machine you're reading this on was first concieved by a few revolutionary's. And the software. You gonna burn it if they out themselves as commies tomorrow?
"At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. ... We must strive every day so that this love of living humanity will be transformed into actual deeds, into acts that serve as examples, as a moving force."
He said he was still a revolutionary..not a communist. In your video.
It's all so much hate and fear mongering. You picked the wrong clip to show me. It truly made me sick to think of the money and attention generated by that kind of crap day after day, hour after hour in all forms of media. Someone said something about the czars not being held accountable. We all are held accountable. Beck will be to.
He's abusing the constitution, taking advantage of it, and bastardizing it. He's turning the constitution into a joke. He's not standing up for anything because he's too busy hiding behind his faith, his alcoholism, his network, and anyone the network can provide from shrinks to dinks to keep more sponsors from leaving and losing more revenue.He hides behind the constitution. He thrives on peoples fear, hate, prejudice, and need to feel secure and hopeful. He really is a parasite.
I like how people who aren't even AMERICANS go on about the constituiton.
I bleed RED WHITE AND BLUE. My brother is a Marine.
I was born in Chicago Illinois. When I was very small we did Duck and Cover. There were commies crawling up out pants legs.
In the 60's things got wierd. There were people with long hair who told us that we had to question what we were being told. Our way of life was in question. That was a good thing.
In the 70's we had a president who said that we couldn't keep doing all the things that we had been doing. Importing huge amounts of foreign oil. Living beyond our means, on credit.
This president was soundly voted down but he was right.
Why didn't we listen to him?
Because we are a NATION OF ASS CLOWNS.
Now we have a president who is trying to make fundimental changes in our health care system. The Health Care we have now is a system is now ruled by insurance companies that have the bottom line as their prime objective. If we don't change the system than we will continue to be a nation of ASS CLOWNS.
I'm sorry to go on about being a natural born American but it seems to me that because I am a bonfide citizen, born and bred here that I have more rights than someone can't even vote and isn't a citizen of the USA. Too bad if some people don't like what I say. I could care less.
then you haven't read what i've written.
Don't let Po' fool ya...he's a Glenn Beck fan, he even has the coffee cup.
I tortured myself and watched the video again. It plays like a campaign ad. It's truly not reporting or journalism. It's propaganda.
I thought about it on the drive home. I thought about all the times an African-American accused me of treating them a certain way because they were 'black'. Not only was it the furthest thing from the truth, it would piss me off. I felt like I was being blamed for every crime ever perpetrated against a black man all the way back to slavery. That, now I understand why they said that to me all those times. If anything, it opened my eyes to understanding what could motivate someone to go to a source they normally wouldn't go to to look for some aspect of they might be able to exploit to get just a little further.
Ella Baker 'working' with communist groups. For what. To advance civil rights. I guess it was okay for us to work with the communists when we needed them in WWII. To use them to secure our freedom and our way of life. But when a woman looks that direction to get the same rights she always should have had, she's soiled, stained, and tainted.
As for whether Mr. Jones should be part of the inner circle based on his background , whatever it is...let me ask you this. I have people come to me every week looking for work. If they have a criminal record, I cannot hire them. It's the policy of my company and the law..the government.. allows it. Just people who made mistakes and did their time or payed their fines. Not murderers or rapists. Payed their 'debt to society' as set up by our government. And I can't give them a second chance. I can't. Even when they stand there on the verge of tears because there ability to become useful and take care of their families and move on is denied. More ironic is that I can only offer them jobs scrubbing toilets and vacuuming carpets. Dusting furniture and mopping tile. At minimum wage, no less. They can't even get a job from me to scrub toilets. Yet a proffessional athlete can abuse and murder and destroy dog''s best friend...for sport and profit..and can return to his former proffession and make more than the people I can't hire will see in a lifetime. And a judge..a federal judge..the same one that upholds the laws that allow an employer to refuse employment based on criminal background will even help this athlete arrange to pay off his debtors and keep him from going back to jail.
The system is broke. Should Jones be in the inner circle? I may not be the one to ask. Should I have to turn these people away that just want to work? Are we supposed to live in fear forever? In my state you have a better chance of getting a job in the kitchen at Lizards Thicket while you're still incarcerated (they bus them in for some of the restaraunts..the entire kitchen staff) than you do of getting any kind of job AFTER you have paid your debt to society. Is it a coincidence that the majority of convicts at Lizard's Thicket and a majority of the the ex convicts I have to turn away are black? You tell me.
As a manager, I get health insurance. I pay 12 times more into that insurance than my new glasses just cost me. My deductible was a joke. The glassesd put a huge dent in my budget and savings. My employees, the ones who get on their hands and knees and scrub the toilets that you and your boss and all the people who work in your building use over and over every day of every week of every month...can't afford the crappy ass insurance we offer. A scaled down, virtually worthless version of what I pay for. But they show up every day and clean the desks, the toilets, empty the trash, and vacuum the entrance rug. They come to work for three days with an absessed tooth until I find out and make them go see a dentist. I also find out they are afraid they will lose their job. Or they work for months in pain with galstones. Because all they can afford is the diagnostic test. Then, when the pain is so bad, they end up in the ER and then a bed and find out they have pancreatic cancer. And they call me. ME! And apologize and say they'll be back soon. And I want to cry because I know they shouldn't have had to been scrubbing my buildings to begin with when they are 62 years old and have already done their time in the work force. He won't be coming back. But that's okay. I'll go through the applications and find someone else to take his place. And life goes on. Right?
Jones has some good ideas. He knows where to the cities that local and federal governments have abandonded. Get the people jobs. Maybe to do really do it, it will take revolutionary ideas. As long as I can remember, our government has just refunded, cut funds, and refunded the same old programs over and over and look where it has gotten us. I heard nothing in anything he said needs to happen now that scared me. I don't understand why it scares you. I don't understand how people can live in the conditions that they do and be so paralyzed by fear and mistrust that they would rather listen to the Becks of this world than look for the light at the end of the tunnel.
The same way an 11 year old girl can be kidnapped, raped and give birth twice yet not run to the police: They have been convinced that no one cares about their fate, that they have been abandoned, that if they don't work while sick they'll lose their jobs and starve in the gutter. They have been trained/educated into believing they are worthless, and that no one cares.