Seems the other thread is borked for most of us.
Now.. where were we?
So not knowing anything about her, you're fine that Beck used her in his little propoganda campaign video? Because Beck paints her as a commie and uses that to descredit Jones, you're fine with it. You take it in and it must be so and don't bother to even check the facts for yourself..and then proceed to offer the link to the video to try and sway others to believe the stuff Beck wants us to?
And this encourages me to watch any further videos you link, how? I would have expected you, above all others, and especially not being from this country, to want to know who these people are that Beck would use and exploit. I'm kinda dissapointed. It's almost as reckless as what Beck is doing by assembling these little vids and airing them for the masses.
I don't see it as propaganda, thats the difference, She is one tiny, tiny part in the bigger framework, no I did not and am not going to focus on the old lady, I didnt particularly think it was noteworthy to begin with. Beck doesnt even need to speak, the quotes, the tapes speaks for themselves.
Thank you for proving everything I have been saying.
before I say this, I want you to realize that I also fit the remark.
talking politics with some of you is like talking to a rock. of course we can't be wrong, that would shake up our whole fundamental believe system. heaven forbid that the light bulb should come on even for a momentary bit of insight.
Which remark? I'm just trying to keep up.
I like Beck, period. I have seen and herd the Quotes and tapes. If any of what has been repored happens, Our Constitution will be a memory. I'm not willing to give up what our Founding Fathers set down as guidelines. This is pretty scary stuff.
As the Fox news states, "We report, YOU decide!"
Megyn Kelly 2012
Time for Beck, turn Fox on
PoSmedleyreply 54If I take out all of your assumptions and read it...all I have to say is 'So?'To go through your assumptions and debate each one would be futile. You're gone. You bought it completely. You ate the whole thing. You drank the Kool-Aid and went back for seconds. Beck has wet dreams about people like you and thanks you everytime he cashes his paycheck.Dude...I'm just glad it's Beck you're following and not some terrorist group cause then I would be afraid and not just mournful for you or of you. Sometimes, when I go fishing, I 'll pull one into the boat that's swallowed the whole damn hook, line, and sinker. It's a bitch to get out and sometimes it does so much damage I know the fish won't survive when I release it. Beck's got you good.
Apparently you don't realize that those words are from the mouth of Van Jones himself. Follow the link and read his words for yourself. I found that one myself. It's from a site you would approve of--Mother Jones.
Show us where Van Jones has renounced communism.
Do you support the private option?
PoSmedleyreply 54If I take out all of your assumptions and read it...all I have to say is 'So?'To go through your assumptions and debate each one would be futile. You're gone. You bought it completely. You ate the whole thing. You drank the Kool-Aid and went back for seconds. Beck has wet dreams about people like you and thanks you everytime he cashes his paycheck.
You have an extraordinary inability to read words and derive meaning from them. It's called lack of comprehension. You need help. Read his words.
I support completely free choice that includes the public option with suboptions in it...i.e. with or w/o abortion support, etc.
I want an end to "stockholder" driven insurance co. payments and denials. I want an end to vaguely worded contracts which enable insurance co,'s to deny care and essentially practice medicine without a license to do so because people can't afford to say, "ok, you won't share cost so I'll go it alone."
I want to see cost drop so a family doesn't have to pay $12,000 a year for insurance...and if a job is lost, end up without care!
I want tort reform. I want an end to waste driven by fear of suit. I want an end to fear mongering and an end to obstructionism just to "Break Obama".
*edited: spelling.