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Question with boldness.
Published on August 31, 2009 By vStyler In Politics

Seems the other thread is borked for most of us.


Now.. where were we?

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on Sep 02, 2009

I knew you'd blame someone

on Sep 03, 2009

If I can influence one.. all this bs is worth it.

You have my vote. With you all the way!

BTW..speaking of power, any thoughts that the president can turn off the internet at any time? I haven't heard abything about what he may or may NOT seem deemable to shut us down!  Just a thought.

on Sep 03, 2009

Who the hell is Glenn Beck? 

on Sep 03, 2009

What I mean is a culture of entitlement, gimme gimme gimme, something for nothing, laziness, apathy, cradle to the grav'ing

I don't believe that's helpful either. I also think that sort of thing is destructive. If a person is capable of work, he/she should be able to find it. I also believe that if you can get a workable plan for less money than the rapacious insurance companies demand and then get nothing back for your money another option should exist.

It will force the insurance co.'s to be responsive and to decrease their prices.

I also have seen data and heard a former insurance co. person speak about how the legislators have been bought and paid for.

From them I expect no help.

I want no charity. I want professional health care at affordable prices. I want employee benefits (if monetary) to be taxable.

In short, I want honesty and an end to greed. Did you know why the banks which recieved TARP monies wish to pay them back? So the CEO's can get back to no controls on their "perks" and salary and stock options.

You want good care? Demand it. You've paid for it and deserve it!

on Sep 03, 2009

speaking of power, any thoughts that the president can turn off the internet at any time?


While that may seem practical from a natl. security standpoint I can imagine this lot will find some way to take advantage of it and somehow steer it beneficially in their direction.

on Sep 03, 2009

Don't forget Beck today, Fox - 5pm. Gonna be an interesting show.

on Sep 03, 2009

Thing is.. I'm never going to convince u, or karen, but I bet there are a bunch of fence sitters reading this.. If I can influence one.. all this bs is worth it.

Only if the fence sitter you influence is a registered voter who actively participates in the elective process--and even that is questionable, because the present administration is the present administration for at least the next 4 years (unless some Beck-fueled, gun-toting, extremist pops a cap in his @ss, which I'm sure would invoke no tears from you). 

Beck has already claimed his reasoning for all that he does on the air is to please his god -- the same god who until the 70's practiced the most blatant racism, claiming blacks were inferior and unfit for the priesthood and god had given them dark skin as the mark of Cain; the same god that continues to tell his followers that homosexuality is "something his church should help with" and when one of it's members practiced gay bashing and confessed the leadership stated "well, somebody had to do it" -- the same god that claims it's righteous followers get to rule on their own planet as gods in the next life, and they wear magic underwear to protect themselves from evil.  There -- I said it -- the Mormon doctrine is completely WHACK.  Of course, I'm an atheist, so all religious doctrines seem a little whack to me, but not all of them are harmful to others in society (I don't care if someone believes in purple unicorns that will save them from damnation and bring them into a heavenly reward as long as they are peaceful, and don't incite their followers to hate).

I don't know, John....sometimes I think you love Beck BECAUSE he's a racist and a hater.  I'm trying real hard not to think that way, because I like you, and you've been kind to me. 

on Sep 03, 2009

because the present administration is the present administration for at least the next 4 years

3 and a half actually, but the elections next year are going to bring his agenda to a screeching halt. he's already in the low 40's after 6 months, he better make some big changes in direction and policy if he doesn't want to be a lame duck in his second year.


Beck has already claimed his reasoning for all that he does on the air is to please his god -- the same god who until the 70's practiced the most blatant racism, claiming blacks were inferior and unfit for the priesthood and god had given them dark skin as the mark of Cain; the same god that continues to tell his followers that homosexuality is "something his church should help with" and when one of it's members practiced gay bashing and confessed the leadership stated "well, somebody had to do it" -- the same god that claims it's righteous followers get to rule on their own planet as gods in the next life, and they wear magic underwear to protect themselves from evil. There -- I said it -- the Mormon doctrine is completely WHACK. Of course, I'm an atheist, so all religious doctrines seem a little whack to me, but not all of them are harmful to others in society (I don't care if someone believes in purple unicorns that will save them from damnation and bring them into a heavenly reward as long as they are peaceful, and don't incite their followers to hate).

Shooting the messenger...again, who you wont take the time to watch.


I don't know, John....sometimes I think you love Beck BECAUSE he's a racist and a hater. I'm trying real hard not to think that way, because I like you, and you've been kind to me.

I'll let everyone make their own mind up about that, I know it to be completely incorrect, but your entitled to think what you want.

I try to be kind to everyone.


Now it appears they want a national indoctrination day, they just don't get it do they.. and they wonder why people all accross the spectrum are getting more and more pissed off.... I tyhink this person exaplined how I feel rather well.


"It's one thing for a president to encourage all kids to work hard and stay in school – that's a reasonable use of the bully pulpit. It's another thing entirely, however, to have the U.S. Department of Education send detailed instructions to public schools nationwide on how to glorify the president and the presidency, and push them to drive social change."




on Sep 03, 2009


"It's one thing for a president to encourage all kids to work hard and stay in school – that's a reasonable use of the bully pulpit. It's another thing entirely, however, to have the U.S. Department of Education send detailed instructions to public schools nationwide on how to glorify the president and the presidency, and push them to drive social change."

Do you have a reference for this, so it can be corroberated?  FWIW, I think the public school system has always been about indoctrination, which is one of the reasons I homeschooled until my divorce, but I'm certainly not condoning it. 

I'll tell you something about me, personally -- I'm not going to listen to Beck, even though I've tried to, because he's a loud white man, and I've had to listen to loud white men long enough in my life.  So...yeah...I'm sort of racist and sort of sexist when it comes to my viewing habits. I just really gag on authority like that.  I'm willing to research whatever it is he's saying and see for myself if it's true, if you could give me references to chase down.

on Sep 03, 2009

Do you have a reference for this, so it can be corroberated?


It's an opinion, apparently shared by many others who may or may not be keeping their kids home on tuesday.

Yet another controversial part of the agenda that is getting people in an uproar accross the country.

They just don't get that this country is not willing to travel down their ultra left wing path.

They'll get it next time the polls are open though. Right now all the polls are tracking downward for the Obama Admin.

and it's all Becks fault.


This is hilarious   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpONNWP_dkU  perhaps some of you can join the ranks of this "huge" Beck protest.


I'm SO looking forward to 9/12




on Sep 04, 2009

I don't know, John....sometimes I think you love Beck BECAUSE he's a racist and a hater.  I'm trying real hard not to think that way, because I like you, and you've been kind to me. 

 vStyler is a racist, now is he?

on Sep 04, 2009

I don't know, John....sometimes I think you love Beck BECAUSE he's a racist and a hater.  I'm trying real hard not to think that way, because I like you, and you've been kind to me. 

You tell us all what it is that makes Glenn Beck a racist.



on Sep 04, 2009

Yeah watch it with as open a mind as he has.

on Sep 04, 2009

I don't know, John....sometimes I think you love Beck BECAUSE he's a racist and a hater.  I'm trying real hard not to think that way, because I like you, and you've been kind to me. 

The last refuge of a scoundrel today is to call someone a racist. The points vStyler is putting forth, and for that matter, Glenn Beck, have nothing whatsoever to do with race. It's apparently beyond your imagination that some of us don't want to be ruled by a bunch of Marxist radicals, revolutionaries, or whatever euphemism you may wish to use. We don't want the Health Police knocking on our doors, telling us that we have to eat our veggies and stop eating chips and dip, and then denying health coverage if we don't follow their diktats. We don't want the aforesaid Marxist radicals, revolutionaries, or whatever euphemism you may wish to use, to seize the wealth of the land , and the means of production from the producers. We don't want to be denied the choice of health care insurance, which is the intent of the all the plans introduced so far, and of the president. We don't want our countries driven into bankruptcy by the insane spending of the aforementioned Marxists, the most oppressive people who have ever walked the face of the earth. We don't want our money divided up among us on the basis of race, which is one of the schemes of Van Jones, and which Po is doing his best to obscure. We don't want someone as crazy as Van Jones, who is a signatory to the document that says George Bush knew about 9/11, picking up our garbage, let alone be in charge of our lives. There's more, if you need more.

I'm amazed that he's still talking to you. He must be a nice guy. You owe him an apology.

on Sep 04, 2009

I've yet to see any evidence of any kind, anywhere, from anybody that Van Jones has deviated in the slightest from his police-baiting mentality, or changed any of his extreme Marxist ideology that is plain to see. A proclamation from Po is insufficient. A lot of Marxists in the past have said they renounced their beliefs for strategic reasons, but he hasn't even bothered to lie about it.

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