Seems the other thread is borked for most of us.
Now.. where were we?
The Amazing Van Jones
We hear things like "wingnut", "tinfoil hats", "racist", and so on from the left about the right all the time. Here's the latest from a serious wingnut, Van Jones. He's a signatory to the stupidest conspiracy theory there is, that George Bush knew about the bombings of the World Trade Center. Respected Leaders and Families Launch 9/11 Truth Statement Demanding Deeper Investigation into the Events of 9/11 NEW YORK CITY, NY (Oct. 26, 2004) - An alliance of 100 prominent Americans and 40 family members of those killed on 9/11 today announced the release of the 911 Truth Statement, a call for immediate inquiry into evidence that suggests high-level government officials may have deliberately allowed the September 11th attacks to occur. No. 46 on the list is: Van Jones, executive director, Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
We hear things like "wingnut", "tinfoil hats", "racist", and so on from the left about the right all the time. Here's the latest from a serious wingnut, Van Jones. He's a signatory to the stupidest conspiracy theory there is, that George Bush knew about the bombings of the World Trade Center.
Respected Leaders and Families Launch 9/11 Truth Statement Demanding Deeper Investigation into the Events of 9/11
NEW YORK CITY, NY (Oct. 26, 2004) - An alliance of 100 prominent Americans and 40 family members of those killed on 9/11 today announced the release of the 911 Truth Statement, a call for immediate inquiry into evidence that suggests high-level government officials may have deliberately allowed the September 11th attacks to occur.
No. 46 on the list is:
Van Jones, executive director, Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
damn, willistuder, you don't shut up, do you? beck is a racist, plain and simple. so is savage, limbaugh, hannity, and coulture. for that matter, so is pat boone. and rockefeller center is a communust bastion, right. you're aware beck works at rockefeller center, right? the building which houses the FIX offices is part of rockefeller center! beck's little tirade about rockefeller center the other night was hilarious!! and you right-wingers believe and follow this nut cast?
and yes, charlie wrangler, or whatever his name is, should resign his postion as should mark sanford and van jones. van jones calling republicans 'assholes' is fine by me but his being part of the crap is grounds for removal. get rid of him!
let's get back to ol' beckie boy......the man is dillusional. he's a shock-jock just like howard stern. do you put any faith into what howard stern says politcally? i hope not. if you don't, why do you have so much blind faith in beckie boy? oh yeah! obama wants to indoctrinate the youth of america next tuesday, right? i suppose you agree with that dumbass greer from florida about obama's little talk with school kids. wow! bush I talked to school kids years ago, as did reagan via c-span. i'm sure clinton did, too. remember, bush II was in a school classroom when he was told about the attacks on 9-11. where was the rage then? it doesn't matter what obama's beliefs are or what he says, people such as yourself and your fellow beckie boy, hannity, limbaugh, coulture, savage, and drudge listeners will be against it. you're so damned blinded by bullshit, you can't think for yourself. every single time i see a clip of beck on one of his rants, i can't help but laugh. even conservatives who can think for themselves say beck's a lunatic.
do i agree with everything that's been done since january? no? but the man won the election, not mccain and the quitter queen. the idea of queen quitter being in a position of power with her ignorance is scarey as hell. she HATES socialism, right? oh wow! she ramrodded a major socialist policy thru the alaskan legislature when she took office, didn't she? isn't that what you'd call taking money from corporations (oil) and giving it to the people? i'd be tickled to death if indiana gave me $1000+ every year. she surely doesn't seem to mind alaska being in the top 5 states in getting federal tax dollars ever year, i'm sure. yeap, she sure is against socialism and big government.
good lord, people! stop believing what idiots such as beck are saying as fact when it isn't and start thinking for yourself! you can't be that blind!
btw, pjdark, i'd give you some credibility if you knew the difference between "their" and "they're". and yes, i know i rarely capitalize. neither did e e cummings.
But...Beck called Obama a racist
Yes. Let us rely on the devine revelations of the prophet Beck.
Yes like the Mormon church founded on the system that all members give all their money to the church to be redistibuted among the members (A devine revelation the founder had) . Then when it fell apart because the members decided they didn't want to share the wealth, the church imposed a mandatory..compulsery..10% tax on all members (another devine revelation). Yet they go on about how bad communism and marxism is, hiding behind 'devine revelations' that can change when any of the 'apostles' has another one. Like when they had a devine revelation in 1979 that blacks should be allowed in the church , contradicting an earlier revelation that they should not...which contradicted Joseph Smith, the founder, apointing a black man as a priest in the mormon church in 1893 .
I f you think you aren't being preached to based on his Mormon faith , check out some of the Mormon blogs..".Beck often quotes or paraphrases LDS scripture without attribution. It just seems to flow from him. I have heard him paraphrase the Book or Mormon repeatedly…. On his radio program the Monday following the last General Conference he quoted Pres. Monson’s words (without attribution) “the future is as bright as our faith”."
"Glenn Beck’s drawing upon a certain strain of Mormon apocalyptic folklore in articulating his political positions (and the mainstream media’s ignoring the influence of Beck’s religion on those positions)"
The 'main stream media' FOX? Because all they care about is the revenue this guy can pull in?
Some even ask..
Given that having a Lenin or a Hitler as president of the United States would be an undesirable thing; and given that there are a few people out there who would resort to violence to prevent such a thing happening; How long before some nut who believes this takes a shot at Obama? And how far will people like Beck be culpable when this happens?
It's not whether he is credible or not that I have a problem with. It's his agenda, which he has stated on air is going to his 'heavenly father with honor' ('I am a religous nut job') and that not doing so would be the worst thing that could happen. And then he doesn't share with you that he is using LDS scripture..(and Mormon apacolyptic folklore) to scare the hell out of everyone.
damn! po's good!
How the hell can you have a problem with this when all Beck talks about is how you can't trust the government? He calls the government 'Lucifer..the devil". Is he the only one that is allowed to question the government or is he the only one credible enough to question anything, in your mind?
THis what I am talking about. All the people that are willing to put all their eggs in one basket when it comes to Beck.
Questioning the govt. and petitioning investigations into whether we flew planes into our OWN buildings have zero equivilence.
A poll on fox, over one hundred thousand let their opinion be known in just 24 hours..
"Was the Van Jones apology sufficient?"
99% -NO
Jones will be G O N E by Monday.
Bye bye to Obama's green albatross.
Be sure not to miss Beck.. today at 5
As in let happen, ignored some information or tips, weren't being watchful, got to cocky and thought it could never happen to us
let it happen, did it ourselves, condoned, approved of, conspired to,
what does it matter.
@willistuder, the saying is:
"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." Samuel Johnson, April 7, 1775.
Matters a great deal. How exact you choose to be when you wish....and how inexact when you don't like the fact that you are mistaken...then it becomes:
There's a rather large difference between commission and omission; active and passive.
ur nitpicking doc.
right. You're wrong, and can't say, "i was wrong, doc."
you have to say:
This is turning into a he who talks last [thinks he] wins
spending entirely too much time and getting nowhere.
I was wrong..
y'all will never learn.